Kendra Tanacea ’88
October has transformed
this riverbank, the island
we always waded to has
disappeared, along with
the upside-down skiff.
A scene so changed,
it seems right without you.
Every year, we say:
where has summer gone?
Death, a sweet cube of
watermelon, the last bites
I fed you in early August.
Insubstantial and pitted.
I stand on the dock as
the water recedes only
to remind me of all
that’s been lost: you
on the beach, our last
picnic, our final canoe
ride downstream.
"AUGUST 26, 2020" in The Wellesley Review, Fall 2021
“The Weather” and “Do You Talk To Your Plants?” In Grub Street
“A Temporary Goodbye” in The Shrew
“Irritation, Pearl” in Stirring: A Literary Collection
"WHAT HOLDS US TOGETHER" in the Wellesley Review, Fall 2020
Interview in Open: Journal of Arts & Letters
"After Your Death" published in Open: Journal of Arts & Letters
Two and Moon by Marta Shmatava
"NAKED" published in Open: Journal of Arts & Letters
Two by Marta Shmatava
"NOIR" published in Open: Journal of Arts & Letters
Moving by Marta Shmatava
"LEARNING TO ICE STAKE" published in Open: Journal of Arts & Letters
Fairy Tale by Marta Shmatava
"Finding Values for the Unknown" published in Open: Journal of Arts & Letters
September 12, 2019 Speakeasy at the Santa Rosa Art Center
"Science Experiment" in Exit 7
"All Day I Thought Of You" in WomenArts Quarterly Journal
"Alchemy" and "Divorce Sestina" in Pennsylvania English
Reading with Susan Dambroff at Folio Books
June 23, 2018 Reading With Christopher P. Delorenzo at Readers' Books in Sonoma
WTAW - Austin - March 21, 2018
A great night reading at Malvern Books with Brittani Sonnenberg (fiction writer and poet), Alison Moore (fiction writer and poet), Steve Brooks (songwriter), and Domingo Martinez (fiction writer/memoir).
Visit Alison's site at http://www.alisonmoorebooks.com
Visit Brittani's site at http://brittanisonnenberg.com
Visit Steve's site at https://stevebrooks.net
Read Domingo's memoirs: The Boy Kings of Texas and My Heart Is a Drunken Compass